
Ogólna liczba zgonów w Australii – gdzie prawie wszyscy są zaszczepieni – gwałtownie rośnie.

Alex Berenson

Dodaj Australię do krajów, w których obserwuje się niezwykły wzrost zgonów ze wszystkich przyczyn po kampaniach masowych strzałów mRNA.

Australijski rząd poinformował 25 maja, że ​​zgony w Australii były o 21 procent powyżej normy na początku 2022 roku. Nawet wyłączając zgony z powodu Covid, zgony były o ponad 10 procent powyżej normy.


Wiktoria, drugi najbardziej zaludniony stan Australii, oferuje jeszcze bardziej ponury obraz. W przeciwieństwie do rządu krajowego, Victoria publikuje miesięczne dane dotyczące zgonów w czasie zbliżonym do rzeczywistego. W czwartek odnotowano 4312 zgonów w maju, 27 procent powyżej średniej z maja 2020 i 2021 r. - równowartość 45 000 dodatkowych zgonów w Stanach Zjednoczonych.


The Australian death spike is particularly striking, because Australia had no excess deaths - and little Covid - in 2020 and much of 2021. Thus the usual alternative explanations cannot hold. The spike cannot be the result of delayed medical care or “long Covid” (whatever long Covid is). Australia’s weather and geography are also very different than the European countries now reporting excess deaths.

Further, the Australian data show that most excess deaths in January and February 2022 were NOT cardiac. Deaths from cancer were slightly above average, but the biggest jumps were in deaths from diabetes and dementia, both almost 30 percent above normal.

Reports in scientific journals and in the federal VAERS database have highlighted cases of severe diabetic dysregulation following the mRNA shots. Anecdotal stories of elderly people suffering rapid mental deterioration, especially after a second or booster shot, are also common.

Even as non-Covid deaths rise, Covid deaths have also soared in Australia this year - reaching levels far higher than they were before Australia began vaccinated.

For much of 2020 and 2021, Australia happily traded its civil liberties for “donut days,” when it had no new reported coronavirus infections, much less deaths.

With the arrival of the mRNA vaccines, most Australians - and Covid authoritarians everywhere - believed Australia had made the right bet. SureThey had given up a couple of years of freedom - in return for a Covid-free paradise forever.

Australians eagerly accepted Covid vaccinations and are vaccinated at rates significantly higher than Americans. 95 percent of people 16 and over in New South Wales, the country’s largest state, have been vaccinated. 64 percent have been boosted.

Yet despite (or because of) these very high vaccination rates, the arrival of Omicron has led to a relentless wave of infections and deaths across Australia.

Australia now has reported the equivalent of about 125,000 American Covid deaths, and the vast majority have happened this year.

That figure is still far lower than the United States’s total, of course. But for the first time since Covid began, Australia now has significantly more daily deaths than the United States on a per-capita basis.

And the widespread boosters have made no difference. New South Wales reported on Thursday that 82 of the 98 people who died of Covid in the week ending May 28 were vaccinated, including 64 who had received at least one booster.

Maybe even more stunning, of 41 people admitted to intensive care units, only two were known to be unvaccinated. (The status of 11 other patients was unknown. In the United States, all would simply be valled unvaccinated. Despite its authoritarianism, Australia is much more honest in its reporting than the Centers for Disease Control.)

Because Australia had so little Covid before vaccinations began, it offers perhaps the clearest picture anywhere of the overall benefits and risks of widespread mRNA shots. Australians are being exposed to Covid largely after being vaccinated. The shots had plenty of time to work their magic.

If magic is the right word.

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